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Student Worker Training Guide

What are Reserves?

What is a Reserve Item?       

A reserve item is --- An item that a professor wants on Reserve for a course he/she is teaching. 

Reserves include the following materials--  Books,  AV materials 

Books and AV Materials are in order:

  • alphabetically by professor
  • then by course number
  • then alphabetically by title. Check the Reserve label on the front of the item to verify title.

Note that there may be more than one copy of each item.

General Reserves items include the style manuals and handbooks. Also on General Reserve are EU driver materials that people need to access in order to become a qualified van driver for Eastern University.



Checking Out Reserve Items

When a student requests to take out a Reserve Item:

  1. Retrieve the requested item.
  2. Scan the student’s ID.
  3. Scan the barcode.

              A. If the item is a library copy, scan the barcode in the back of the book or inside the case.

              B. If the item is a professor’s personal copy, scan the barcode on the label on the front of the item.

              C. If the item is an article scan the barcode on the label on the front of the item.

                 D.  Inform the student that the item will be due in 3 hours and may not leave the library.

When Reserve items are returned, check them back in and use the information on the Reserve label to shelve the items correctly under professor, course, and title. 

Remember: Reserve Items may be used for a 3 hour time limit and be renewed once  if no one has requested them.

Reserve items may not leave the library.

How to Find an Item on Reserve


1. Access the screen below by clicking on the "Find Books and Media" Button on the Library's homepage.

2. The access point is located on the right side of the screen designating "Academic Reserves."


3. When you click the "Academic Reserves" link - it will take you to the screen below. You can then plug in information to see --

              a) if the item requested has been placed on Reserve

              b) who the professor is, if the student doesn't know

              c) plus more information about a specific item, course or professor.