Interlibrary loans are materials borrowed from other Colleges and Institutions libraries.
There are two different types of Interlibrary loans:
1. EZ Borrow-Blue Sleeve
2. Traditional Interlibrary loan-White Sleeve.
EZ Borrow books are currently located in the Reserve area behind the Circulation desk where you are stationed.
An EZ Borrow book is already checked out to the patron when it is placed in the Reserve Area. The only thing you need to do is hand the book(s) to the patron when he/she comes to pick them up and remind hem of the due date written on the front of the sleeve.
When the book is returned place it in the bin located in the Reserve Area marked EZ Borrow. A staff member processes books returned.
Traditional ILL (or White Sleeve) books are handled in the same manner as EZ Borrow books.