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Food-related Resources: Home

This guide will help you find research pertaining to certain aspects of food production and industry.

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Here are some helpful sites on how to write literature reviews:

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Fun articles about food from NPR.


Welcome to our guide to Food Research. Here you will find information on locating information relating to food production, nutrition, diet-related diseases, world hunger, and food ethnography. It will also help you find articles for your literature review.

How to use this Guide:
Located on the tabs are different topics. Click on a tab and a page appears listing specific resources pertaining to that topic. Use these resources in your information quest.

As always, if you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me via email, phone, or stop by my office.

Good luck!

Food Science

Definition: Subject Term

A subject term is a word or phrase that captures the essence of your research topic.  Subject terms can be specific or broad. Databases like EBSCOhost, JSTOR, ProQuest, etc. all use subject terms as a way to group together articles that present information regarding a similar topic. Some subject terms featured in EBSCOhost relating to agriculture are as follows:

  • AGRICULTURAL ability
  • AGRICULTURAL diversification
  • AGRICULTURAL resources
  • ANTIBIOTICS in agriculture
  • CROP management
  • CROP science
  • ENERGY crops
  • SUSTAINABLE agriculture

Search Terms

Listed below are a few search terms and phrases that will help you locate articles and other resources about Food. Your search results will be more specific by adding " " at the beginning and end of your search phrase. For examples, please see below. Feel free to add your own search terms by leaving a comment.

General search terms & phrases (will return many results):

  • Agriculture
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Nutrition
  • "Ethnic foods"
  • "Organic food"

Specific search terms & phrases (will return fewer, yet more specific, results)

  • "Agricultural production"
  • "World hunger"
  • "food cultural practices"
  • "Children" and "advertising" and "food"
  • "Food ethnography"
  • "Sustainable agriculture"