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American Lit Authors

Library Catalog

Library of Congress Classification: PS

American Literature books start with the call number PS. For details about specific call numbers (sub-classified by period, criticism, collections, individual authors, etc.) see the document below.

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Specific Authors

Here is a list of some American authors and their corresponding Library of Congress call numbers. You can find books about them and/or authored by them in the stacks.

Bierce, Ambrose - PS1097 Melville, Herman - PS2380-2388
Dickinson, Emily - PS1541 Michener, James - PS3525.I19
Eliot, T.S. - PS3509 .L43 Plath, Sylvia - PS3566 .L27
Emerson, Ralph Waldo - PS1600-1648 Poe, Edgar Allen - PS2600-2648
Faulkner, William - PS3511 .A86 Steinbeck, John - PS3537 .T3234
Fitzgerald, F. Scott - PS3511 .I9 Sinclair, Upton - PS3537 .I85
Frost, Robert - PS3511 .R94 Thoreau, Henry David - PS3040-3058
Hawthorne, Nathaniel - PS1850-1898 Twain, Mark - PS1300-1348
Hemingway, Ernest - PS3515 .E37 Updike, John - PS3571 .P4
Hughes, Langston - PS3515 .U274 Vonnegut, Kurt - PS3572 .O5
James, Henry - PS2110-2128 Wharton, Edith - PS3545.H16
Lewis, Sinclair - PS3523.E94 Whitman, Walt - PS3200-3248
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - PS2250-2298 Williams, Tennessee - PS3545 .I5365

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American Lit Authors