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Addressing Plagiarism: Eastern University's Plagiarism Policy


As found in Eastern University's Student Handbook on pages 7-8 under the area of Community Policies:

Since academic dishonesty takes place whenever anyone undermines the academic integrity of the institution or attempts to gain an unfair advantage over others, this list is not and cannot be exhaustive. The student is responsible to become familiar with acceptable standards for research and documentation and to abide by them. Any student found to have committed or attempted to commit the following misconduct is subject to the disciplinary process outlined. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to:

  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism is defined as presenting another person’s words, work or opinions as one’s own. This includes the presentation of words, pictures, ideas or artwork that are not your own, as if they were your own in spoken, written, or visual form. In written work, three or more words taken directly from another author must be quoted and cited appropriately. The source of distinctive ideas must be attributed. The words or ideas of another are not made your won simply by paraphrasing.
  • Fabrication of data or material: Fabricating material includes creating or augmenting data, evidence, or statistics to support or represent your original research.
  • Falsifying material content: Submitting a paper or project written by another student or person as if it was your own is akin to theft or lying. Such dishonesty, threatens the integrity not only of the individual student, but also of the university community as a whole. Falsifying material content also includes submitting a paper written by you for another course or occasion without the explicit knowledge and consent of that instructor.
  • Cheating: Cheating includes trying to give or obtain information about a test or exam when the instructor states that it is to be confidential. Cheating extends to trying to take someone else’s’ exam, or having someone take one’s own exam. While taking a test, exam, or quiz, students shall rely on their own mastery of the subject matter and not attempt to receive help in any way not explicitly approved by the instructor. This includes the use of notes, study aids, or another’s work for both in person and online tests and examinations.
  • Assisting in or contributing to academic dishonesty: Students who are found helping or attempting to help others commit an act of academic dishonesty will be held responsible to the Code. This includes situations in which one-student copies from or uses another student’s work (past or present). Students are responsible for ensuring that their work is not used improperly by others. This does not include group projects where the instructor directs collaboration.

A student who commits an act of academic dishonesty will receive disciplinary sanctions, which may include failure of the course or suspension from the University. Given the serious consequences of academic dishonesty, the student is encouraged to discuss any difficulties openly with the appropriate instructor instead of resorting to dishonest conduct.

Processes and Penalties for Academic Dishonesty
All cases of academic dishonesty will be reviewed and adjudicated by the instructor. The instructor will submit case notes to the Academic Dean and the Dean of Students or his/her/their designee. As academic dishonesty constitutes a violation of both the academic and spiritual principles of the University community, Academic Deans and/or The Office of the Provost will communicate regularly with the Office for Student Development regarding such instances. As such, disciplinary action may occur at both the course and University level.

The Provost and Academic Deans have the discretion to modify the following procedures at any time during a specific investigation or adjudication, as circumstances warrant. Nothing contained in these procedures is intended to create, or be interpreted as creating, any contractual rights on the part of any student.

Academic Penalty:
In the event academic honesty is violated, according to the definition adopted by the faculty and whatever additional definition the instructor has published to his/her/their students, the instructor may do one of the following things, according to his/her assessment of the severity of the infraction and any extenuating circumstances.

  • Assign a grade of F or “0%” on the paper, project or examination but allow resubmission, resulting in a maximum combined grade of C.
  • Assign a grade of F or “0%” on the paper, project or examination without the opportunity for resubmission.
  • Assign a grade of F in the course.

Students may appeal the allegation of academic dishonesty and their grade through the University procedure for resolving grade disputes.

Disciplinary Penalty:
All cases of academic dishonesty will be reviewed by the Dean of Students or his/her/their designee for possible disciplinary action. Any disciplinary action will occur in addition to the academic penalty. Disciplinary penalties may include educational initiatives, disciplinary probation, suspension or disciplinary dismissal.