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Ancient Rome: Home

A specific subject guide about Roman classical studies

History Department at EU

Free Audiobook

A pivotal text for ancient Rome scholars, you can now download and listen to Edward Gibbon's The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire for for free! Click on the link below.


Looking for images related to Rome? Try searching our Image Quest database. It features over 2 million images that are rights-cleared for educational & non-commerical use in your papars and presentations.

Welcome to the Ancient Rome Guide!

Welcome to the Rome Classical Studies Guide. Here you will find information on how to locate sources relating to ancient Rome and it's empire. For general resources about classical studies, please take a look at the Classical Studies (General) subject guides here in LibGuides.

How to use this Guide:
Located on the tabs are different resources- books, journals, websites, etc. Click on a tab and a page appears listing specific resources about ancient Rome. For example, under the "Find Books" tab is a list of books located here in Warner Library about the Roman Empire.


Here is a list of subscription databases the library offers that contain information about Ancient Rome.

To access these, you will be prompted to sign-in using your Eastern login.

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Overview of Ancient Rome

Want to know more about Rome- past or present? Take a look at these general articles about the Eternal City.

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