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Palmer Student Library Orientation: International Theological Library eBooks
Palmer Seminary students can use this guide to learn all about the library services at their disposal.
Getting Started
eBooks from Credo Reference
Accessing Bible Commentaries Online
SBL Handbook of Style
Chicago/Turabian Style
International Theological Library eBooks
New Testament Introduction and Commentary eBooks
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Old Testament Introduction and Commentary eBooks
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Christianity Topics from Credo Reference
Judaism Topics from Credo Reference
Theological Symbolics
History of Christian Doctrine
An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament (1891) S. R. Driver
International Theological Library
The Theology of the Old Testament (1904) by A. B. Davidson
An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament (1894) by Samuel Driver
An Introduction to the Literature of The New Testament (1918) by James Moffatt
Canon and Text of the New Testament (1907) by René Gregory Caspar
The Theology of the New Testament (1899) by George Barker Stevens
Outlines of the Life of Christ (1908) William Sanday
A History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age (1912) Arthur Cushman McGiffert
The Ancient Catholic Church (1902) by Robert Rainy
The Latin Church in the Middle Ages (1915) by André Lagarde
The Greek and Eastern Churches (1908) by Walter F. Adeney
Theological Symbolics (1914) by Charles A. Briggs
History of Christian Doctrine (1896) by George Fisher
History of Christian missions (1915) by Charles H. Robinson
The Christian Doctrine of God (1909) by WIlliam Newton Clarke
The Doctrine of the Person of Jesus Christ (1912) by H. R. Mackintosh
The Christian Doctrine of Salvation (1909) by George Barker Stevens
The Christian Pastor and the Working Church (1901) by Washington Gladdens
The Christian Preacher (1921) by Alfred Ernest Garvie
Apologetics; or, Christianity Defensively Stated (1892) by A. B. Bruce
Christian Institutions (1897) by Alexander Allen
Christian Ethics (1894) by Newman Smyth
The Philosophy of Religion (1920) by George Galloway
History of Religions Volume 1 (1913-1919) by George Foot Moore
History of Religions Volume 2 (1913-1919) by George Foot Moore
Old Testament History (1929) by H. P. Smith
Chicago/Turabian Style
New Testament Introduction and Commentary eBooks >>
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