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Palmer Student Library Orientation: Databases

Palmer Seminary students can use this guide to learn all about the library services at their disposal.

Theological Studies Databases

Here is a list of subscription databases (and a couple free sites) the library offers that contain information about this topic.

To access these, you will be prompted to sign-in using your Eastern login.

Logging into Databases, etc.

When you want to go into a database, a box will pop up and you will be required to  log in before the information is available to you.  Your Eastern ID and password -  which is the same one you use to log onto Brightspace - will need to be entered to gain access.

If you have questions, please contact Warner Library at 610-341-1777 or


Palmer Seminary students have access to print books AND electronic books! The following links take you to our electronic book databases where you can search on a topic of your choice.

Rapid ILL

Need an article NOT available in full text? We can get it for you and have it delivered straight to your email. To use RAPID ILL access the link below. 

When requesting an article, please make sure to fill in all the boxes. The ISSN is most important! 

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