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LEAD540 Leadership & Empowerment - IDEV: Finding Information on the Web

Harvard Business Review

When you are researching on the web, you may find articles from Harvard Business Review. Chances are you will be required to purchase them (if you access it from a Google search).

If you find an article from HBR, you can acquire it via Rapid ILL interlibrary loan tool we have at Warner Library. Click here to access Rapid ILL

Do a Google Search here!

Google Web Search

Googling for Research

Googling is usually not recommended for research. However you may have to Google for some information.

Below are links to 2 guides on Googling. One is a "how to" guide and includes some search operators to fine tune your search. It also addresses working with Google Images and Google Books.

The other guide is on using Google Scholar. It has helpful information on searching strategies, tips and tricks and how it works.

Evaluating Websites

Click on the image to go to the Research Guide with instructions on

how to unitize the Web effectively in research.

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