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You're Hired! Now What?: Presentation & Representation: Disciplinary Action and Termination

Congrats on Your New Federal Work Study Job! We've covered the very basics and you are safe to start working!

Employment Agreement

When students are hired at Warner library, they fill out an employment Agreement. In that agreement, they are required to read and sign off on the following rules:

  • Come to work as scheduled (Three absences without notice or excuse may result in termination.
  • Perform assigned duties in a professional and Christian manner.
  • Do your share of week-end shifts.
  • Attend staff training meetings.

If these rules are violated, the result is addressed in this part of the guide.


If a student worker needs to resign....

If it should prove necessary for FWS students to ask for a release from their position, they should give their supervisor at least two weeks written notice when at all possible. The original completed and signed written notice is provided to the Financial Aid Office with a copy given to the Human Resources Office.

If a FWS student fails to report to work for 3 scheduled work times per academic year, without appropriate approval and/or documentation (no call-no show), such action may be rendered as the student's resignation. Their employment may then be terminated without notice.

Corrective Action

Notice of Warning:

Should a FWS student's performance, behavior, or attitude be deemed unacceptable, the supervisor may issue a Notice of Warning. 

FWS students who receive a notice of warning are placed on a probationary status.

Probational Release:

After an issue has improved and probation has ended, the probational release form is completed.


Every effort is made for the FWS student to ensure success with the program. However, circumstances may occur whereby the ongoing FWS student work relationship should be terminated with or without notice of warning. 

Examples may include, but are not limited to:

  • Violation of signed rules (see above)
  • Loss of Federal Work Study
  • Lack of work
  • Inappropriate behavior
  • falsification of time sheet or other record(s)
  • absenteeism
  • tardiness
  • misuse of property or information

FWS students terminated from the FWS program will have their eligibility reduced or eliminated.