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"T-Z" Authors
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E-books - Great Books of the Western World: "T-Z" Authors
"A" Authors
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Adler and Aeschylus
Thomas Aquinas
Archimedes and Aristophanes
Augustine, Aurelius, and Austen
"B-D" Authors
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Bacon, Balzac, Bergson, and Berkeley
Boswell, Bonte, Calvin, Camus, and Cather
Cervantes, Chaucer, Chopin, Collins, and Conrad
Cooper, Crane, Dante, Darwin, and Defoe
Descartes, Dickens, Dostoevsky, Doyle, and Dumas
"E-G" Authors
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Einstein, Eliot, Epictetus, Erasmus, and Euclid
Faraday, Fielding, Flaubert, Ford, and Forster
Frazer, Freud, Galen, and Galileo
Gibbion, Gilbert, Goethe, Gogol, and Goncharov
"H" Authors
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hamilton, Hamsun, Hardy, and Harvey
Hawthorne, Hegel, and Herodotus
Hobbes, Homer, Hugo, Hume, and Huygens
"I-L" Authors
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Ibsen, James, and Joyce
Kant, Lafayette, Lavoisier, Lawrence, Locke, and Lucretius
"M-O" Authors
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Machiavelli, Mann, Manzoni, and Marx
Melville, Mill, Milton, and Moliere
Montaigne, Montesguieu, Newton, and Nietzsche
"P-R" Authors
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Pascal, Plotinus, and Poincare
Rabelais, Racine, Richardson, Rousseau, and Russell
"S" Authors
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Scott, Shelley, Shikibu, and Smith
Sophocles, Spinoza, and Stendhal
Sterne, Stocker, Stowe, and Swift
"T-Z" Authors
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Tawney, Thackeray, Thucydides, Tocqueville, and Tolstoy
Trollope, Turgenev, Twain, Veblen, and Virgil
Voltaire, Weber, Wharton, Whitehead, Xuiquin, and Zola
Government Documents
Harvard Classics Volumes 1-10
T - Z
Voltaire's Candide : or, The optimist. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia (1888)
Sterne, Stocker, Stowe, and Swift
Tawney, Thackeray, Thucydides, Tocqueville, and Tolstoy >>