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Marketing: Databases

Lib guide containing company information, marketing, and advertising resources

Useful Search Terms

Here are some search terms that will help you locate materials about Marketing.  

  • accountability
  • accuracy
  • adaptability
  • affirmative action
  • artificial intelligence
  • quality improvement
  • bookeeping
  • bribery
  • business stragegy
  • capital investment
  • customer satisfaction
  • competitive strategy
  • conformity
  • cost of quality
  • delegation
  • differentiation
  • encoding
  • ethics
  • experience curve
  • fringe benefits
  • harassment
  • human resources
  • information systems
  • forecast
  • inventory control
  • just-in-time (JIT) inventory
  • empowerment
  • objectives
  • quality improvement
  • process improvement
  • socialization
  • timeliness
  • working conditions
  • zero inventory

Database Providers

      The Library databases provide access to material that is not freely available on the web. Some databases include full-text articles, some include citations and abstracts, and some include only citations. For full-text, look for links to PDF or HTML files, or try the A-Z Journal title list (to the right).  For any articles that are not immediately available in full-text, the article can be requested through interlibrary loan.
       Warner databases will help you find current business articles.  For a complete listing of all our databases, please visit the website at:  To access these, you will be prompted to sign in to your Eastern login (which is the same as your Eastern email and Brightspace logins).

Library Catalog

A to Z Journal List

Find out what journals Warner Library has about your research topic! Here you can search by journal title or browse by subject.