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Astronomy, Astrophysics and related resources.: Books

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How can I download the book, or a chapter?

In order to download a chapter or an entire ebook, you will need to download the Adobe Digital Editions program to your computer, or an equivalent e-book reader. It is free, so long as you use your Eastern email address to sign up.

Downloading Adobe Digital Editions:

  1. Once you've found the ebook you want to download, either click "Full Download" for the entire ebook, or select the specific chapter you want to download. Different ebooks have different lengths of time they can be downloaded, so bear in mind that the book will need to be re-downloaded once the time has passed.
  2. Click the Adobe Digital Editions hyperlink in the resulting pop-up window in order to download the program in a separate window. Follow all on-screen instructions to complete the download.
  3. Click the Download button to add the ebook or chapter to Adobe Digital Editions, which is housed on your computer's desktop. Doing this allows you to read the ebook while offline.
