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SOWK 105: Introduction to Social Work: Home

This guide will provide general research information as well as professional organizations related to Social Work.

How to use this Guide!

Welcome to the Introduction to Social Work Research Guide. Here you will find general information about locating resources about many subject areas of Social Work.

How to use this Guide:
Located on the tabs are different resources- books, journals, websites, etc. Click on one of the tabs to help you find information in those specific resources: Books, Databases, Websites, Statistics and Citing Sources.

The "Journals and Article" tab houses specific journals that your professors use for research. 

The last tab provides information on how to write a annotated bibliopraghy.

If you need help with researching for your assignments, you can request an individual consult with myself or another librarian. We can meet with you for 5 minutes or 25 minutes - you determine how much time you need. We can assist you in many areas of research and help you with determining best  search terms, writing an annotated bibliography and organizing your citations. To request an appointment Click here.


Access the Social Work Department Website from Here. Just Click on the image.