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NURS404 Nursing Research: Home

"The primary purpose of nursing research is to generate new knowledge, and the purpose of EBP is to make decisions about patient care based on the best evidence gathered from a systematic problem-solving approach."

Adams, S. , J.  (2012). Identifying research questions. In N. Schmidt & J. Brown (Eds.), Evidenced-based practice for nurses - Appraisal and application of research. (p. 82). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

College of Health Sciences

National Library of Medicine

What is Evidenced Based Practice (EBP)?

EBP  is the process involving examination and application of research findings or other reliable evidence that has been integrated with scientific theories. As a nurse you must review research publications and other sources of information. After you evaluate the information, you must use your clinical decision-making skills to apply evidence to patient care.

Information on Formulating PICO Questions - with examples; for the best EBP research!

Forming Focused Questions with PICO A tutorial created by University of North Carolina Chapel Hill  Health Sciences Library for learning how to form questions using the PICO framework. Includes case studies and question examples.

Stillwell SB, Fineout-Overholt E, Melnyk BM, Williamson KM. Evidence-Based Practice, Step by Step: Asking the Clinical Question: A Key Step in Evidence-Based Practice.  American Journal of Nursing 2010 March; 110(3):58-61. This article provides background information on why the use of PICO question is important in Evidence Based Practice. It looks at the different types, formats, scenarios and creation of the PICO question. The article also includes a template for creating a PICO.

Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice Tutorial This site was created by Duke University to help you learn the principles of Evidence-Based Practice. Upon completion of this self-paced tutorial, you will be able to  define Evidence-Based Practice (EBP);  identify the parts of a well-built clinical question;  identify searching strategies that could improve PubMed searching; identify key critical appraisal issues that help determine the validity of a study.

Problem Solving, Nursing Process, Research Process

The focus of problem-solving process is on a specific goal in a particular setting for the purpose of generating the best solution to achieve the goal.

The focus of nursing process is on a specific patient care problem using assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. The goal of the process is to plan and direct care for a particular patient, family, or group of patients. The outcome is improved health for a particular patient or family.

In contrast, the research process has a broad focus drawing on knowledge from nursing and other disciplines. The purpose of the research process is to generate new knowledge that has a wide application to promote positive health outcomes for a particular patient population, enhance the overall quality and cost-effectiveness of care, and improve health-care delivery system.

Adams, S. , J.  (2012). Identifying research questions. In N. Schmidt & J. Brown (Eds.), Evidenced-based practice for nurses - Appraisal and application of research. (p. 72). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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