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COMM 120 Invitational Speech Requirements

In this speech, you will invite your audience to explore a controversial issue with you, considering opposing views on the subject. The goal is not to persuade them one way or another, but to promote open dialogue and deliberation in hopes of developing a better understanding of the issue that will ultimately lead to better decision-making, voting, etc.

Your speech should take 4 – 5 minutes to present the issue and the arguments for two opposing positions on that issue. The purpose here is to “set the table” for discussion. Then, facilitate audience discussion for about 1.5 - 2 minutes before taking about 1 minute to sum up the discussion and conclude your speech.

Basic Requirements

  • Must fall within the 6-8 minute time limit, including class discussion between your body and conclusion.
  • Must have a full-sentence preparation outline.
  • Must post a complete draft of your preparation outline on Brightspace for my feedback.
  • Must have a key-word speaking outline.
  • Must research, using a minimum of 6 reputable sources to provide arguments and evidence for the perspectives presented in your speech.
  • Must mention the source for each idea that you got from research.
  • Must cite the author’s last name (or part of the title, if no author) at the end of every sentence containing a quotation or other specific information from a research source.
  • Must include a bibliography at the end of your preparation outline in proper MLA or APA format.

**For more details, consult the assignment requirements document located in Brightspace.

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