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Elementary Education: Home

For students studying elementary education. Includes journals, websites, lesson plans, databases, and more!

Elementary Education

Reference Databases

Reference databases provide contextual information about all different topics.


Welcome to the Elementary Education Guide!

Welcome to the Elementary Education guide. This guide acts as a starting point for your research. Consult it to learn where to find books, articles, journals, databases, and other information resources.

How to use this Guide:
Located on the tabs are different types of resources- Books, Journals, Websites, etc. Click on the tab to find resources about elementary education in that format.

If you need help with your research you can send me an instant message (see box on the right), an email, or come by my office. I am happy to help!

Databases: Elementary Education

Here is a list of subscription databases the library offers that contain information about this topic.

To access these, you will be prompted to sign-in using your Eastern login (this is the same as your Brightspace and Eastern email logins).

Systems Librarian

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Chelsea Post

EU's B.A. in Elementary Education

To learn more about obtaining a B.A. in Elementary Education, click on the link below.


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