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Researching with "Google": Google Books

Improve your searching by learning tricks of the trade using advanced features of Google Scholar.

Find Books

Search and preview millions of books from libraries and publishers worldwide using Google Book Search. Discover a new favorite or unearth an old classic.

Limit by Books on the top bar of your Google search screen, under More:


Advanced Book Search

The Advanced Book Search is hidden on the right side of the screen under the gear icon  only after you have performed a search and clicked on the title of a book.

Advanced Book Search


Once you have clicked on the Advanced Book Search option, you can narrow your search by author, publisher, subject or language, among other options. You can also find only books that have full text available online, though keep in mind that many of these titles will be older works in the public domain. 


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Search Within Book

Search within the book on the left side of the screen. 

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Bibliographic Info

About This Book: The "About this book" link, on the left side of the page, will give you information about the book as an object.

You will have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to find the following information, including author, publisher and ISBN:

Bibliographic information