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NURS 215 Scholarly Writing in Nursing: Home

College of Health Sciences

Additional Research & Writing Tools

Getting Started

This research guide will assist you in completing the assignments for your coursework. You will be learning the process of scholarly writing and how to develop your writing skills. Your goal is to practice the craft of academic writing and become effective writers by the end of the course.*(syllabus statement)

The tools provided here will help you:

  • Define the process of scholarly writing for nursing
  • Learn and hone your library research skills
    • Locating materials for your research - including e-books and scholarly articles
    • Using databases for research
    • Finding appropriate scholarly journals for your research
  • Citing your sources using APA format
  • Effectively create an annotated bibliography
  • How to search the Internet to obtain scholarly research
  • Avoiding plagiarism


National Library of Medicine