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Artificial Intelligence (AI): Plagiarism

Information To Know

What is plagiarism?

The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

Is AI-generated text, like ChatGPT, okay to use in an academic setting?

Yes, it is okay to use AI-generated text (with permission from your professor) to learn more about a topic. Keep in mind that AI is not always 100% factual and free from bias, and users should always double-check that the information they are using is true. This can be done by using scholarly resources and other resources that are fact-checked using the CRAAP method. Click HERE to learn more about evaluating resources.

Do I need to cite AI-generated text even though there is no single individual for coming up with the text?

Yes, you absolutely need to cite AI-generated text. Even though the information is not written by a living individual, any writing in an academic paper or project that is not cited is considered to be the writer's own original work. It is unethical to try to pass off work on one's own if that person did not create it.

How do I cite AI?

Check out our Copyright page on this guide to learn how to cite AI.

Please note: Artificial Intelligence is very new, and rules are still being created.

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