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How Do I Reserve a Study Room at the Library: Home


Room Reservation Policies

General Policies

If you want to ensure a room is reserved for you and one other person, you will need to reserve the room using the Online Calendar site. How can you do this? See the box to your right for instructions. 


Who can submit a reservation request?

Only Eastern University students, staff or faculty*. We cannot accept requests outside these guidelines.

*Faculty may use a room for a meeting, but not to conduct a class. 


Where can I find a description of the rooms?

Each study room is described in the online calendar - ex. Room 329 is the purple room. Click the "info" button next to the name of the room to see a picture, directions, and more.


How do I reserve the Room?

To reserve a room, you must use the online calendar site to select the time and room you wish to use. Find the site on the library's homepage under "Reserve a Study Room" or use the laptop available at the Information Desk. You can also use the QR codes available on each study room door to get to the site.

Please use your Eastern email address to make the reservation. You can reserve a maximum of one 2 hour slot for Group Study Rooms in any given day. Reservations may be made up to one week in advance.

When you arrive for your reservation, report to the Information Desk on the Main Level and sign in. Don't forget to sign back out again when you're finished!


Are there any other rules?

No food or drink allowed inside the rooms.

A group that is more than 15 minutes late for their reserved time forfeits the room reservation.

Study rooms are only available when the library is open. Check library hours before making a reservation.

Library management reserves the right to resolve scheduling issues by adjusting reservations or schedules. 

Please be courteous and respect others' reservations.


For additional assistance please:

  • Email the Information Desk at 
  • Visit the Information Desk on the Main Level
  • Phone: 610-341-1777

Reserving a Study Room

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